Asphalt Shingles Roofing

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Asphalt shingles roofing is a common roofing material that is durable and weather-resistant, but in some cases can be subject to insect and ant infestations. In order to protect the integrity and extend the life of your asphalt shingle roof, some pest and ant control measures are necessary.

Understanding Common Pest and Ant Problems on Asphalt Shingles Roof

Before taking steps, we first need to understand the common pest and ant problems that can affect asphalt shingle roofs. Here are some common types of pests and ants:

Mites: Mites are tiny insects that often thrive in warm, moist environments where they can reproduce and damage the surface of your asphalt shingle roof. So keeping your roof well ventilated is an important factor in preventing mite infestation. Make sure your roof ventilation system is functioning properly and repair any malfunctions promptly.

Moths: Moths are insects that feed on wood, and they can breed and cause damage to wood structures under asphalt shingle roofs.

Ants: Ants are a common pest that may build nests in asphalt shingle roofs and gain access to the interior of the home by eroding and damaging the asphalt shingle layers.

Measures Against Insects

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Keeping your asphalt shingles roof clean and maintained is key to preventing pests. Regularly remove debris, leaves and other accumulations from your roof to minimize habitat for insects. Regularly inspect your roof for damage or cracks and repair them promptly to keep bugs out.

Use an Insect-resistant Coating

Using an insect repellent coating on your asphalt shingles roof is an effective pest control measure. These coatings often contain insect repellents that are effective against pests. When constructing or renovating your roof, consider using a coating material with insect-resistant properties.

If you prefer to use natural and environmentally friendly methods to control pests and ants, consider using natural insect repellents. Some common natural insect repellents include orange peel oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil. Mix a few drops of natural insect repellent into water, then use a spray bottle to spray around your asphalt shingle roof at potential pest entry points, such as ridges, corners, and around drainage systems.

Installing Barriers

Installing barriers is another effective pest control measure. These barriers prevent insects from entering the roof or house. For example, installing insect screens on the wood structure under the roof can prevent infestation.

Anti-termite Measures

Finding and Sealing Entrances

Ants usually enter the house through cracks, openings or other entrances in the roof. Regularly inspect the roof and the area around the roof for possible entrances and seal them promptly. Use sealants or fillers to fill cracks and openings to keep ants out.

Remove Food and Water Sources

Ants are usually attracted to food and water sources. Make sure there are no food debris or leaks on the roof and inside the house. Keep the house clean and repair any leaks promptly to minimize ant attraction.

Use Ant Baits and Remedies

Using ant baits and chemicals around your asphalt shingle roof can help control an ant infestation. Ant baits usually contain substances that entice ants to feed and bring them back to the nest for control of the entire colony. Pharmaceuticals can be sprayed directly on areas where ants are likely to be present to effectively kill them.

Integrated Protection Measures

In addition to the above anti-pest and anti-ant measures, the following measures can also be taken to comprehensively protect the asphalt shingles roof.

Maintain Sanitation of the Surrounding environment

Keep the environment around the roof clean and sanitary, trim plants, and remove piles of debris and garbage. This reduces the habitat for bugs and ants and decreases the likelihood of them entering the roof.

Preventative Measures:

Choose high-quality asphalt shingle materials when building a new roof or doing a renovation. Good quality asphalt shingles offer better durability and insect resistance.

Install bird netting or bird spikes at roof edges and ridges to prevent birds from entering the roof and causing pest problems.

Trim branches and plants regularly to make sure they don’t come in contact with the roof. Branches and plants can be a bridge to the roof for insects.

Regular Inspection and Maintenance

Regularly inspect your asphalt shingle roof, including removing standing water, leaves and other debris. This reduces habitat for insects and prevents ants from building nests.

Identify any damage or potential pest problems and take prompt action to repair them. Regular maintenance ensures the integrity and utility of your roof.

Prevent Standing Water:

Standing water on asphalt shingle roofs is one of the ideal environments to attract mosquitoes and other insects to breed. Ensure that your roof drainage system is functioning properly and remove any standing water in a timely manner.

Clean roof drains and gutters to ensure that water flows smoothly and does not clog. Regularly inspect and clean your drainage system to prevent standing water and harboring pests.


Pest and ant control measures for asphalt shingle roofs are important steps in protecting the integrity and prolonging the life of the roof. A combination of these above measures will minimize pest and ant infestations and ensure the quality and longevity of your asphalt shingle roof. The above recommendations are general in nature; specific pest and ant prevention measures may vary depending on the region, climate conditions and type of infestation. If you are experiencing a serious pest problem, it is best to seek help from a professional and consult with a local building expert or pest control specialist for personalized advice for your specific situation. Contact SKW for free evaluations and professional instruction.

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