Durable, visually appealing and versatile
Dimensión general

39 2/5"*13 2/5"

Overall Thickness


Roof Cover/Pcs

0.145m2 | 1.56sqft

Roof Cover/Bundle

2.32m2 | 24.96sqft

Pcs/per Bundle



28kg | 61.73lbs


Asphalt Shingle - Laminated Shingles

Laminated shingles, also known as one type of asphalt shingles, architectural shingles or dimensional shingles, are a popular roofing material choice known for their durability, aesthetic appeal, and versatility.

These shingles consist of multiple layers of asphalt, which are laminated together to create a three-dimensional appearance. The layers are typically composed of a fiberglass mat or organic felt base saturated with asphalt. The top layer is coated with ceramic granules or mineral surfacing, providing protection against UV rays, enhancing the shingle’s resistance to weathering, and adding visual texture and color variation.

One of the key advantages this shingles is their exceptional durability. They are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, including high winds, heavy rain, and hail. The multiple layers and reinforced fiberglass matting provide added strength and impact resistance, making them a reliable choice for long-lasting protection.

In terms of aesthetics, laminated asphalt shingles offer a wide range of colors, patterns, and styles. They can mimic the look of traditional roofing materials like slate or wood shakes, providing a more upscale appearance to a building. This versatility allows homeowners and architects to choose a shingle that complements the architectural style and enhances the overall curb appeal.

Installation of laminated asphalt shingles is relatively straightforward, making them a popular choice among roofing contractors. They can be installed on a variety of roof slopes and structures, making them suitable for both residential and commercial applications. Additionally, their lightweight nature reduces the strain on the roof structure.

Maintenance is minimal. Periodic inspections and cleaning of debris are recommended to ensure optimal performance. Some manufacturers offer warranties that cover the shingles for a certain period, providing additional peace of mind to homeowners.

In summary, laminated asphalt shingles are a durable, visually appealing, and versatile roofing material. Their multi-layered construction, wide range of styles, and ease of installation make them a popular choice for both residential and commercial roofs. Whether for new construction or roof replacement, laminated asphalt shingles offer a reliable and aesthetically pleasing solution.

Why Asphalt Shingles?

More durable

Asphalt shingles are mainly composed of fiberglass and bitumen, which have strong toughness and weather resistance. Under normal circumstances, the product's lifespan can reach 30 years.

Resistente a la intemperie
UV Resistant

The surface of asphalt shingles is typically covered with granular materials. These particles reflect UV rays, extending the lifespan of the asphalt shingles and reducing color fading.

Peso ligero
Peso ligero

Only 12Kg per square meter, the weight is only 30% of traditional ceramic tiles, greatly reduces the load-bearing capacity of building structures.

Color Versatility
Color Versatility

Asphalt shingles offer a wide range of color options to meet different architectural styles and personal preferences.

Prevención del granizo

Ceramic tiles or PVC tiles can be damaged in hail weather, but for asphalt shingles no any worry as it's soft and flexibility!

Bajo mantenimiento
Bajo mantenimiento

The installation of asphalt shingles is relatively straightforward and quick, reducing labor costs. This makes asphalt shingles a cost-effective roofing option.

Medio ambiente
Medio ambiente

It have several environmental advantages. They are recyclable, utilize sustainable materials, and minimize waste generation.

Wind Resistance
Wind Resistance

Asphalt shingles are designed and tested to have excellent wind resistance, able to effectively withstand strong wind of 60-80MPH.

A prueba de incendios
A prueba de incendios

It primarily consist of asphalt, which is a fire-resistant material. Asphalt itself is not easily combustible and can effectively prevent the spread of flames.


Compared to other roofing materials, asphalt shingles are a relatively affordable choice. They have lower production costs, making them more cost-effective.

Política de garantía

Our asphalt shingle products come with a comprehensive warranty policy to ensure customer satisfaction and investment protection. Our warranty policy is designed to offer long-term protection and reliability for our customers, ensuring that their asphalt shingle roofs are properly maintained and supported throughout their use….


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